More Now Than Ever Before

In the first panel, Chia and Poppy are cuddling on the couch and Chia is thinking, "I can't imagine loving her more than I do now." In the next panel, it's 10 years later, Chia and Poppy are older looking and still on the couch and Chia is thinking, "I've definitely never loved her more than I do now." In the next panel, another 10 years have passed, Chia and Poppy look older and are still on the couch and Chia is thinking, "I can't possibly have loved her more than I do NOW". In the final panel, 10 more years pass and Chia and Poppy are visibly aged on the couch and Chia thinks, "There's no way I've ever loved her more than I do right NOW".

Just when I think that I couldn't possibly love Poppy any more than I currently do, time passes and then I'm convinced that I love her even more than I did before. 😳 Also, yes, we're committed to keeping the same couch for the next 30 years. 😅


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