Lesbian Puns:
These are puns that play on the word “lesbian” or lesbian-related themes.
1. Les-bee-an (let's be an) adorable couple together.

Gay Puns:
These are puns that play on the word “gay”.
13. I was born this gay (way).
Another variation: I woke up this gay (way).
14. We go together like PB & Gay (PB&J).
15. Happy birth-gay (birthday)!
16. I’m intoxi-gay-ted (intoxicated) by you.
17. It’s orcay (okay) to be gay.
18. I’m so gay for ewe (you).
19. You’re my favorite alli-gay-tor (alligator).
20. Professional gaymer (gamer).
21. You're on my gaydar (radar).
22. Drinking that gay-tor-ade (gatorade).
23. I’m totally oh-gay (okay) with that.
These are puns that play on the words “LGBT”, “queer”, or general LGBTQ-related themes.
24. Let me be perfectly queer (clear), I’m in love with you.
25. Feline (Feeling) the pur-ride (pride)
26. LGB-Tea (LGBT)
27. Oh deer (dear), I’m queer.
28. Equali-tea (Equality)
29. LGBT-rex
30. Home sweet homo (home).
31. I’m the rainbow sheep in the family.
32. Bi (By) the way, I’m gay.
33. Homosexu-whale (homosexual)
34. Taste the rainbow.
What's your favorite LGBTQ pun? Let us know in the comments below!
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