34 of the Cutest Lesbian, Gay, Queer, & LGBTQ Puns

Lesbian Puns:

These are puns that play on the word “lesbian” or lesbian-related themes.

1. Les-bee-an (let's be an) adorable couple together.

best lesbian puns les bee together
2. I’m a proud lez-bean (lesbian).
funny lesbian puns
3. I love your two-lips (tulips).
best lesbian puns
4. You're the breast (best).
funny lesbian puns
5. Lesbi (Let’s be) honest, we all know where this is going.
lesbi honest lesbian pun from pitch perfect
6. Les (Let's) get together. 
lesbian puns
7. Lick me til ice cream (I scream).
funny lesbian puns
8. I'm strictly vagitarian (vegetarian).
funny lesbian vagitarian pun
9. Aphro-dyke-e (Aphrodite)
best lesbian puns
10. Boo-bees (Boobies)
funny lesbian puns
11. Lickalottapus
best lesbian puns lickalottapus
12. Let's scissor.
funny lesbian puns and cards

Gay Puns:

These are puns that play on the word “gay”.

13. I was born this gay (way). 

Another variation: I woke up this gay (way).

funny lgbtq puns born this gay

14. We go together like PB & Gay (PB&J).

pb and gay lgbtq puns

15. Happy birth-gay (birthday)!

happy birthgay lgbtq puns

16. I’m intoxi-gay-ted (intoxicated) by you.

funny lgbtq puns

17. It’s orcay (okay) to be gay.

funny animal lgbtq whale puns

18. I’m so gay for ewe (you).

so gay for ewe funny lgbtq puns

19. You’re my favorite alli-gay-tor (alligator).

alligaytor lgbtq puns

20. Professional gaymer (gamer).

gaymer lgbtq puns

21. You're on my gaydar (radar).

gaydar funny lgbtq puns

22. Drinking that gay-tor-ade (gatorade).

gaytorade lgbtq puns

23. I’m totally oh-gay (okay) with that.

gay lgbtq puns


These are puns that play on the words “LGBT”, “queer”, or general LGBTQ-related themes.

24. Let me be perfectly queer (clear), I’m in love with you.

best queer lgbtq puns

25. Feline (Feeling) the pur-ride (pride)

feline the purride lgbtq puns

26. LGB-Tea (LGBT)

Best punny lgbt sticker

27. Oh deer (dear), I’m queer.

oh deer im queer lgbtq puns

28. Equali-tea (Equality)

lgbtq equality puns

29. LGBT-rex

lgbt-rex gay puns

30. Home sweet homo (home).

home sweet homo lgbtq puns

31. I’m the rainbow sheep in the family.

rainbow sheep lgbtq puns

32. Bi (By) the way, I’m gay.

lgbtq bi puns

33. Homosexu-whale (homosexual)

homosexuwhale lgbtq puns

34. Taste the rainbow.

taste the rainbow lgbtq puns

What's your favorite LGBTQ pun? Let us know in the comments below!


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